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Pre-construction management and site due diligence

The most important part of any project is the information required to tender, construct and manage an installation.
For all parties, the pre-construction information is essential to confirming the buildability of a project. Chameleon Energy can quickly review site information to highlight potential risks and issues before paying out for a full technical DD. Whether it is to fulfil your requirements under the CDM regulations, to discharge planning conditions or to satisfy requirements for client/EPC due diligence, Chameleon Energy provides services to manage working through this information, helping you with the efficient installation of any project.
Health and Safety​

H&S management is essential for any construction project. The content within the pre-construction information is key to the planning and implementation of the construction of your site to the relevant H&S regulations.


Whether it is creating Project Management Plans, discharging planning conditions or producing a Project Risk Register, Chameleon Energy can generate and manage the documentation required for pre-construction and beyond.


Chameleon Energy can undertake surveys of your site whether for planning and development or during the pre-construction phase. With our partners, we can carry out a full suite of technical surveys including geo-technical, topographical and structural.

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